Flutter for web development: is it stable?

Flutter’s rising popularity is due in large part to its status as the best cross-platform app development framework for creating mobile applications that run on many platforms. Since its launch in December 2018, more than 400,000 applications have utilized Flutter to be shipped on several devices globally.

But Flutter isn’t only for mobile app development; you can also create web app using flutter that is cutting edge and packed with several features. In this article, we will discuss flutter web development. We will talk about its background, discuss some great stats, and how it benefits the user.

What is flutter?



Most developers are familiar with Google’s UI framework, Flutter. It enables developers to create native-like effective programs for all platforms – desktop, web, and mobile, using just a single codebase. Code-compatible, flutter CSS framework, HTML framework, and JavaScript framework render apps in any web browser. 

If you’re not fluent with the platform’s history, it’s interesting. Developers often raise the question of whether it’s stable to use. Let’s give you a quick brief before we explain why Flutter web development may be a great choice for your next project.

Is flutter web development Stable?



While web development using flutter is newer compared to its application for developing mobile applications, it’s quickly rising in popularity. How could it be if it wasn’t a stable option? When released in 2018, it began with to originally tackle creating apps that run on various mobile platforms and, eventually, Web and Desktop. 

When it came to building web apps built with flutter, it wasn’t quite ready. There are always going to be bugs and other gray areas in any new technology. However, the creators, especially in the case of open-source platforms, always seem to figure out how to close them with time. So did Flutter.

Since March 2021, support for websites using this framework has established stability with Flutter 2.0. The Flutter Journal claims that the framework’s second major update, which made it almost bug-free, fixed 24,541 bugs. 

Every day, members of the Flutter web development community work together to improve the scalability and bug-free nature of the technological platform. This results in an ever-increasing framework’s scalability.

Benefits of web development using flutter


While Flutter 2.0 established stability in web development in Flutter, the latest major version, Flutter 3.0 release, offers some fascinating features and amazing benefits, which makes it an appealing web application development framework. Let’s look at the benefits of using flutter for website development.

Easy team management

The most significant advantage of using Flutter for web development is the ability to reuse code for several platforms. One team may collaborate on the offering for all platforms with flutter for mobile and web rather than having a native iOS crew, a native Android crew, and a separate group for the web development project. 

Save on web development hires

Mobile developers can quickly create a web app since they can leverage existing code. In a nutshell, even if a team has zero web development history, they may still translate their expertise in Flutter mobile app to web by employing the same code created for the mobile application. By working with designers that guarantee a user-centric perspective in the web app, developers may better use available resources.

Customization of your web app 

Flutter web apps may share code with their iOS and Android counterparts but can be tailored to provide the best possible experience for users on each platform. It can produce great visual effects, animations, and transitions swiftly without slowing down the overall performance.

Apps built with Flutter have visually stunning user interfaces for online applications and avail an abundance of widgets. Additionally, the framework’s inherent features make it possible for websites to run quickly and efficiently while still providing a polished interface.

Great for developing MVP

Promoting your minimum viable product to potential investors is easier when you use Flutter to build your app for the web.  Since Flutter is compatible with Firebase, developers don’t have to set up two distinct backends when making a simple MVP.  They are great for getting initial feedback and trying out a new idea for a future version of the app, and keeping costs down.

Gives the option of accessibility

It is becoming more and more of a norm for users to demand that their favorite online applications be accessible to all. With Flutter for the web, programmers can write efficient and lightweight code that improves accessibility in web app development, a growing need for government websites. An extensive discussion of the accessibility options in Flutter is provided in the official documentation.

Backed by google

Since Google employs Flutter internally, they will continue to provide support for Flutter apps for years to come. You can be certain that Google will do all it can to improve the Flutter platform, including releasing bug fixes and new versions of the app. Already being used in new Google initiatives like Google Fuschia, Flutter’s longevity is guaranteed by the company’s commitment to it.

How to create web app using flutter


Building web apps with flutter requires a basic fluency with the framework. A detailed procedure is comprehensive and requires expertise; however, if you’re new to building a web application with flutter, using the guide below is a good way to get the basics of the process. Before we get started, you’ll need the following things for using flutter web development for the first time. 

  1. You will need the Flutter SDK. 
  2. Choose UI libraries based on plugins you may need with web development in Flutter. Provider, URL Launcher, and FL Chart. You can use pub.dev to get these libraries. It is the official repository of libraries for Flutter and Dart programming. 
  3. Chrome during the debugging process of the web app.
  4. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the Flutter Web App, such as Android Studio, Intelli J IDEA, and Visual Studio Code

Now that you know what you need, let’s jump into how to start building web apps with flutter. Create a flutter app online using four steps: setup, creation, rendering, and release.


Step 1: A Flutter webview must be configured. After enabling web development using flutter, your application will launch in a chrome browser; the server will give you the URL. You can use the following commands:

  • Flutter upgrade
  • Flutter config-enable-web
  • Flutter channel stable

Step 2: Setup will include starting the web server, linking the Flutter devices, and activating the Flutter development tools from UI libraries. 

Step 3: You may then restart IDE you’ve been working with. To access the Chrome browser and server, choose “Chrome” from the device pulldown menu.

You’ve completed a significant portion of the project’s development and testing setup. Let’s move on to the creation portion.


Build flutter web applications in the same way you create for mobile with the Flutter framework. When you create flutter app online websites, the version for mobile devices with iOS and Android are automatically generated. 

Having finished building a web application with flutter, the next step is to compile and run it.


Step 1: Choose the web application from the dropdown menu. Execute the command as shown to the application rendering using the command line: 

  • Flutter create my-app
  • cd myapp

You can also render using the local host. 

Step 2: Use the command below for the development compiler inside of Chrome to initiate the launch process:

  • Flutter run –d chrome


Step 1: To get the JavaScript file to execute in the release build, you must use the dart2js compiler and not the development compiler.

Step 2: Switch to release mode or use the Flutter build to generate a release build. It will be placed in the build directory, which is used for upkeep.

If you want to know this procedure in more detail, refer to their official document for building a web application with Flutter

The use of flutter for website development is quite recent. By using Flutter for the web, you can save time by reusing the code for the widgets for mobile apps and utilizing them to create a flutter app online. This is why many developers are choosing Flutter for mobile and web app development simultaneously. 

Flutter’s website showcases some great projects building websites with flutter. Let’s look at a few below: 

ERP System for KFC

The records for KFC’s roughly 21,000 locations worldwide were kept on paper. The project aimed to create a centralized ERP system where all data is aggregated, and statistics are easily accessible. The metrics might then be analyzed centrally by management. This project by Color Whistle automates business process management and financial analysis.



A developer’s toolkit, DevWidgets, was conceived as a direct response to the popular DevToys. The key distinction between the two is that DevToys may be used with more than just Flutter, whereas DevWidgets is specifically built for the Flutter development ecosystem. However, both technologies are helpful for developers trying to cut down on wasted time and streamline their processes. There are many different kinds of tools available, such as generators, formatters, and converters.

Frenchie Games Website

Frenchie, a mobile game website, is created using flutter for website development, which allows for a beautiful display of the available games. The website’s layout is uncluttered and straightforward, making it easier to discover the desired game. To navigate between the many games, the website employs a dynamic page view to display the superiority of flutter UI development.

Hire flutter web development expert in india

The popularity of flutter for website development is growing because of its ease of use, speed, and high-quality solutions. Since Flutter 2.0, the framework offers increased stability, making it a great option for web development. Without the necessary technical skills and expertise on your team, building websites with flutter may be quite daunting. Find a reliable flutter web development partner that has the resources, experience, and understanding to interpret your requirements for a web app.

Skilled app developers at Anglara have completed a slew of high-quality Flutter applications in the past and have a knack for website development. Contact us today to set up a free consultation if you need help with web development using Flutter. 


  • What is flutter?

Google’s Flutter is an open-source framework for creating natively built apps that run across several platforms on mobile and the web. 

  • Is flutter web development stable?

Google established stability of Flutter web development since the release of Flutter 2.0, where it fixed over 24,000 issues that raised this query.

  • Benefits of web development using flutter

The major benefits of web development using flutter are listed below:

  1. Easy Team Management
  2. Save on Web Development Hires
  3. Customization of your web app
  4. Elevated User Experience
  5. Great for Developing MVP
  6. Gives the Option of Accessibility
  7. Backed by Google
  • How to create a web app using flutter

The process of building web apps with flutter can be divided into four parts: setup, creation, rendering, and release. Within these four parts, there are specific actions a developer must take.

  • Examples of flutter web development

Web development using Flutter is relatively new. However, Flutter’s website showcases some great projects building websites with flutter. Some of them are:

  • ERP system for KFC by Color Whistle
  • DevWidgets
  • Kelvin’s portfolio
  • Frenchie Games


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